澳門中醫藥學會 AIPPMCM(登記編號:854)專業中醫藥社團

Associação dos Investigadores, Praticantes e Promotores da Medicina Chinesa de Macau

澳門中醫藥學會由創會會長林日初先生成立於 1994 年 11 月。學會聘請了澳門多位知名人士擔任榮譽會長;多位國內名老中醫、教授擔任榮譽顧問、學術顧問。現任會長是石崇榮。 創會以來,澳門中醫藥學會在歷屆理監事的共同努力下,會務工作取得了可喜的成績。現時有會員(澳門註冊中醫)450多人,年青中醫佔75%以上,是本澳較大的中醫藥專業團體。

Established in November 1994 by the Founding President of Mr. Elias Lam, the AIPPMCM aims to promote the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Macao by inviting a number of well- known personalities in Macao to serve as honorary presidents and inviting domestic famous TCM practitioners and professors as honorary consultants and academic advisors. The current President of the AIPPMCM is Shí Chóng Róng Paulo.

Ever since the establishment of the Association, the AIPPMCM has made marvelous achievements in the daily operations under the joint efforts of all directors and supervisors. At present, with more than 450 members (Registered TCM practitioners in Macao), the AIPPMCM is the largest TCM professional association in Macao.
